Example Facade Grant- Milledgeville


Go online or to Planning/Code Department to complete application for Historic Preservation Commission (HPC) certificate of Appropriateness. The Planning/Code Department is located at 127 East Hancock Street, next to City Hall in Downtown Milledgeville. They can be reached by phone at 478-414-4021.

Historic Preservation Commission meets the second Thursday of each month at 5pm, in City Hall to consider proposed projects. HPC will need all project Information 15 days prior to the scheduled meeting date.

The purpose of this program is to stimulate downtown revitalization, redevelopment, economic development, and tourism development in Milledgeville. Program funds are an incentive for current owners and potential buyers of vacant and occupied buildings to restore, renovate, and repair the exteriors of their building.

The Milledgeville Main Street/Downtown Development Authority (DDA) Façade Match will provide a 50/50 investment match ratio up to a maximum of $1,500 per property, as a reimbursement once pre-approved project(s) are completed and inspected. All projects must be completed within six months of the date of the Main Street/ DDA approval letter. Additional funds may be considered for major renovations, upon written request.

The program will be open to all private businesses in the downtown Milledgeville Commercial Business District. Once available funds are pledged, no more applications will be accepted until the program is advertised again. Milledgeville Main Street will review the program each year to determine if sufficient funding is available to continue.
Examples of acceptable projects include:
– Building façade improvements (paint, brick, wood, other repair, awnings/canopies, lighting, doors, windows, etc.)
– Other restoration/renovations which meet HPC approval and the goals of revitalization will be considered, with the exception of signage.

Applications will be coordinated by the Milledgeville Main Street/DDA Executive Director. A three member panel will review each application for final approval. The panel will consist of:
– The HPC Chair
– One Main Street/DDA Board Member
– A City Department Head

The process would include:
1) Copy of completed application for Code Enforcement
2) Proof of Certificate of Appropriateness from Historic Preservation Commission
3) Code Enforcement Dept approval & work permits (if applicable)
4) On site restoration work
5) Review/Audit of finished work
6) Provide copies of paid receipts to MainStreet (within 30 days of completion)
7) Reimbursement of 50% up to a maximum of $1,500


Offered by the Greensboro Foundation for the Future in partnership with the Greensboro Downtown Development Authority

How does the program work?
The Greensboro Façade Improvement Matching Grant Program is administered by Greensboro’s Foundation for the Future as part of Greensboro’s Downtown Development Authority and Greensboro Main Street Program. Funds are available for façade improvements to buildings located within a commercial district, B1 or B2 within the city limits of Greensboro. Typically commercial tenants or commercial property owners may receive reimbursements of 50% (not to exceed $500) of the cost of the approved storefront or back renovation, signage or awning or landscaping.

Project Eligibility
Eligible projects should visibly improve the unique historic character of the storefront or back entryway or allow the non-conforming storefront to better fit within the historic area. Examples include but are not limited to appropriate signage, awnings, exterior painting, and window, door, and storefront or back entry feature restorations and changes or landscaping. These funds are available for exterior improvements only and may be applied to a front, side or rear façade, provided the façade faces a public street or parking lot.

Funding Dates
Façade work is eligible if approved, started and completed before September 30, 2014. This granting period will be issued on a first come, first served basis until the available funds are awarded. It is the responsibility of the applicant to inquire about the availability of funds.

Historic District Approval
The Greensboro Historic Preservation Commission MUST review and approve projects taking place within Greensboro’s locally designated Historic District before Façade Grant approval may be granted. A Certificate of Appropriateness (COA) and/or Historic District Sign Permit must accompany this application for Historic District Properties. More information about Greensboro’s historic district is available online at www.downtowngreensboroga.com.

Large Project Assistance
Greensboro’s Foundation for the Future may award two 50/50 matching grants in an amount not to exceed $1000 for Larger Projects. A Larger Project is defined as any project with permits issued for work costing over $2,000.00. The Large Project awards are available on a first-come, first served basis. No more than two Large Project awards will be made within each fiscal year.

Design Assistance
The Georgian Trust for Historic Preservation and the Department of Community Affairs provide a design consultant to Better Hometown communities to help you plan your project. They can even issue you a suggested drawing of the way your building could best be enhanced to fit into the area. The Better Hometown Manger can provide assistance and referral.

Application and Award Process
Complete the façade grant application form and return it to the Office of Downtown Development at 111 North Main Street in downtown Greensboro. Tenants must include a letter of permission from the property owner. Allow 30-45 days for review of your application by the Greensboro Foundation for the Future. You will be notified if the grant is approved and may begin work. You may NOT begin work before you are notified of approval. After the project is completed, you must submit project documentation including receipts and/or cancelled checks to the Office of Downtown Development. Grant awards will be made after staff has inspected the completed project and reviewed all project documentation.

Yes, the application must be approved BEFORE you do the work, not after you begin. Because of the limited funs available at this time, the DDA cannot grant funds to the same applicant more than once per year.

Grant Close Out
All grants must be closed-out within six months of the award. Closing out the grant includes submitting all eligible receipts for review and receiving reimbursements. Funding will be de-allocated for projects that are not closed out within six months of the award notice.

For Additional Information
Contact the Greensboro Office of Downtown Development at (706) 453-7674 or visit the program website at www.downtowngreensboroga.com.

The Facade Grant Program is intended to stimulate investment in the preservation of Dahlonega’s historic commercial district. Downtown Dahlonega is the historic core of the region and serves as the seat of business, government and service for the community. With historic architecture ranging from the 1830s to the 1960s, downtown is the heart of the county, and its pedestrian focus and historic buildings invite both resident and visitor. Each downtown building has an individual character, and each building is respected for its unique features, historic appearance, significance, current condition, and impact on the district.

Façade Grant Program
Applicant Guidelines

All commercial properties within the Clarkesville City Limits are eligible for up to 50% cost-share funding through the program (with a maximum Façade Grant contribution of up to $2,500). Priority will be given to properties in the Phase I focus area (see attached map).

Facade Grant Program Application Procedures
1. Inquiries and applications may be obtained from the Clarkesville Better Hometown Manager
o Receive application
o Discuss intended plans
o Understand your property’s historic architecture
o Design Committee and/or Façade Grant Committee contacts will be assigned to help you with the project

2. Complete application
o Secure architect or design assistance (available through the Georgia Department of Community Affairs for a reduced fee starting at $50.00 depending on project scope & size), if required, or create a sketch of the work to be accomplished.
o Submit a line item estimate for work to be completed. Clarkesville BHT Façade Grant Committee reserves the right to require two (2) estimates for any particular project.
o Complete and sign all sections of the application.
o Attach a full color “before” photo.
o Return application to Better Hometown Manager.

3. Grant approval
o Façade Grant Committee will review application within 10 business days.
o Committee will either approve for grant funding and determine the amount of the grant award, or refer questions or concerns to the property owner.

4. Meetings Required Prior to Execution of Project
o The applicant/property owner and the contractor employed to do the Façade Grant renovation will be required to meet briefly with Façade Grant Committee representatives prior to the start of the project.
o Meetings may also include the City of Clarkesville Planning Office if the nature of the work involves code compliance. Applicants are responsible for obtaining all necessary governmental permits and authorization.

5. Execution of Project
o Approved projects must be completed within 90 days. Failure to complete projects within the specified time frame may result in loss of approved funds. All façade property improvements must be properly maintained by the applicant/property owner for a period of at least five years, or duration of tenancy.
o All façade improvements must follow Secretary of Interior and City of Clarkesville BHT Design Guidelines to be eligible for cost-share funding. If questions or design changes arise, refer them to your Façade Grant Committee project contacts.
o Applicant/property owner must participate in meetings with the contractor and the Façade Grant Committee representatives during project completion.

6. Project Completion
o Once project is completed, send a full color “after” photo, along with proof of expenditures ie. copies of receipts, cancelled checks, statements, etc. to the Clarkesville Better Hometown Manager
o Within ten (10) working days of receiving copies, project participants will be reimbursed in accordance with the terms of the grant.
o Completed work must be in accordance with grant guidelines and the Secretary of Interior’s Standards to be eligible for reimbursement.